
Armed Forces Flea Market

Varnarliðssvæðið, varnarliðið, Keflavíkurflugvöllur  kanar, bandaríkin ísland ameríka hermaður hermenn
Varnarliðssvæðið, varnarliðið, Keflavíkurflugvöllur kanar, bandaríkin ísland ameríka hermaður hermenn
Last Saturday, in Reykjavík, there was a flea market sale of U.S. Navy items. Some of the items included furniture, clothes, computers, tires, filing cabinets and almost everything that wasn‘t nailed down. All the people interviewed claimed that the items were more expensive then they thought. One claimed that it was nice that the military was leaving, even better that the stuff was for sale. The sale was initiated by Ástvaldur Óskarsson, whom bought these goods from the military and will be selling them everyday until December. The military is scheduled to leave in September. -mld
