Icelanders Eat More Sweets 23. ágúst 2006 12:32 Nammi A new consumer study conducted by the Government health institute shows that Icelanders consume more sugar than the other Nordic countries, or almost a kilo per inhabitant per week. Icelanders especially consume sugar in the form of soda drinks. On the positive side, Icelanders are eating more fruit, and the increase of fruit consumption is 13,2 kilos per inhabitant over the last two years. According ot Laufey Steingrímsdóttir, nutritionist, this is a surprise but could be traced to the fact that schools and companies are offering more fruit. Icelanders also hold a record within the Nordic countries for dairy consumption, and according to Laufey this is due mainly to a rise in dairy drinks from skyr and fermented milk. Meat consumption is also on the rise, in the form of chicken and lamb, whereas people are eating less fish. News News in English Mest lesið Hús varð fyrir tjóni vegna eldingar Innlent Írar undirbúa sig fyrir mesta óveður í manna minnum Erlent Lögbann sett á tilskipun Trumps Erlent „Við erum algjörlega komin á endastöð“ Innlent Mikið reiðarslag fyrir réttindi bandarískra borgara Erlent Viss um sigurinn en óviss um að komast inn á landsfundinn Innlent Sindri grunaður um fjárdrátt Innlent „Enn einn áfellisdómurinn yfir stjórnsýslu borgarinnar“ Innlent Að minnsta kosti þrettán milljónir og „einbeittur brotavilji“ Innlent Sakleysi dætranna hafi gufað upp Innlent
A new consumer study conducted by the Government health institute shows that Icelanders consume more sugar than the other Nordic countries, or almost a kilo per inhabitant per week. Icelanders especially consume sugar in the form of soda drinks. On the positive side, Icelanders are eating more fruit, and the increase of fruit consumption is 13,2 kilos per inhabitant over the last two years. According ot Laufey Steingrímsdóttir, nutritionist, this is a surprise but could be traced to the fact that schools and companies are offering more fruit. Icelanders also hold a record within the Nordic countries for dairy consumption, and according to Laufey this is due mainly to a rise in dairy drinks from skyr and fermented milk. Meat consumption is also on the rise, in the form of chicken and lamb, whereas people are eating less fish.
News News in English Mest lesið Hús varð fyrir tjóni vegna eldingar Innlent Írar undirbúa sig fyrir mesta óveður í manna minnum Erlent Lögbann sett á tilskipun Trumps Erlent „Við erum algjörlega komin á endastöð“ Innlent Mikið reiðarslag fyrir réttindi bandarískra borgara Erlent Viss um sigurinn en óviss um að komast inn á landsfundinn Innlent Sindri grunaður um fjárdrátt Innlent „Enn einn áfellisdómurinn yfir stjórnsýslu borgarinnar“ Innlent Að minnsta kosti þrettán milljónir og „einbeittur brotavilji“ Innlent Sakleysi dætranna hafi gufað upp Innlent