The largest earthquake yet in Bardarbunga By Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason 26. ágúst 2014 08:40 Bardarbunga in the northwest part of Vatnajokull glacier. Vísir/Grafík An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 hit Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano overnight. It's the biggest one since the tremors began ten days ago. According to a message from Iceland's Meteorological Office there's still no sign of an eruption. Bárðarbunga News in English Tengdar fréttir Planes diverted away from danger zone 100000 flights were cancelled during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It is doubtful that the same will happen again. 25. ágúst 2014 15:44 Right call to issue eruption alert "Right now we're analyzing what was going on. As of now we don't know, but we'll keep analyzing and add it to the data pool," says Sigrún Karlsdóttir,at the IMO. 25. ágúst 2014 15:54 Large amount of magma accumulated in a week 270 million cubic meters of magma has gathered underneath Dyngjujökull in just one week. 25. ágúst 2014 15:49 Mest lesið „Sleppið föngunum núna eða ykkar mun bíða helvíti“ Erlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Þurfti þrjár tilraunir til að lenda í Keflavík Innlent Íhugar að bjóða fram fælingarmátt kjarnorkuvopnabúrsins Erlent Hugvíkkandi efni geti verið óheppileg fyrir fólk í bata Fréttir Vel tókst að slökkva eld við Nýbýlaveg Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Sérstakt að túlka tillögur almennings sem stríðsyfirlýsingu Innlent
An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 hit Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano overnight. It's the biggest one since the tremors began ten days ago. According to a message from Iceland's Meteorological Office there's still no sign of an eruption.
Bárðarbunga News in English Tengdar fréttir Planes diverted away from danger zone 100000 flights were cancelled during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It is doubtful that the same will happen again. 25. ágúst 2014 15:44 Right call to issue eruption alert "Right now we're analyzing what was going on. As of now we don't know, but we'll keep analyzing and add it to the data pool," says Sigrún Karlsdóttir,at the IMO. 25. ágúst 2014 15:54 Large amount of magma accumulated in a week 270 million cubic meters of magma has gathered underneath Dyngjujökull in just one week. 25. ágúst 2014 15:49 Mest lesið „Sleppið föngunum núna eða ykkar mun bíða helvíti“ Erlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Þurfti þrjár tilraunir til að lenda í Keflavík Innlent Íhugar að bjóða fram fælingarmátt kjarnorkuvopnabúrsins Erlent Hugvíkkandi efni geti verið óheppileg fyrir fólk í bata Fréttir Vel tókst að slökkva eld við Nýbýlaveg Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Sérstakt að túlka tillögur almennings sem stríðsyfirlýsingu Innlent
Planes diverted away from danger zone 100000 flights were cancelled during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It is doubtful that the same will happen again. 25. ágúst 2014 15:44
Right call to issue eruption alert "Right now we're analyzing what was going on. As of now we don't know, but we'll keep analyzing and add it to the data pool," says Sigrún Karlsdóttir,at the IMO. 25. ágúst 2014 15:54
Large amount of magma accumulated in a week 270 million cubic meters of magma has gathered underneath Dyngjujökull in just one week. 25. ágúst 2014 15:49