Prejudice against Lithuanians 8. september 2006 14:24 Paul Nikolov, blaðamaður á Grapevine Journalist Paul F. Nikolov, former contributor to ReykjavikMag went on television show Ísland í bítið this morning to criticise how Icelanders tend to blame Lithuanians for Icelandic drug problems. Nikolov, who is founding a new political party in Iceland for immigrants, said on the show that " it's prejudice and escapism to blame people from one nation for a social problem such as drugs. Lithuanians have been repeatedly arrested in connection with cases of drug import and manufacturing of drugs in Iceland recentlly. Nikolov also pointed out that most drugs are smuggled to Iceland by sea, and that Icelanders are forgetting to put more effort into customs control of boats. News News in English Mest lesið Sakleysi dætranna hafi gufað upp Innlent Sindri grunaður um fjárdrátt Innlent Trump ætlar að skattleggja Pútín svo hann hætti stríðsrekstri í Úkraínu Erlent Ærandi þögn og klukkan tifar Innlent Biskup og prestar lýsa yfir stuðningi við Budde og boðskap hennar Innlent Leyfið heyrir sögunni til Innlent Þórdís Kolbrún gefur ekki kost á sér Innlent Glansmyndir á samfélagsmiðlum valdi mikilli streitu Innlent „Þau eru bara fyrir“ Innlent Fleiri Kimdátar væntanlegir í Kúrsk: „Það er bara áfram og áfram“ Erlent
Journalist Paul F. Nikolov, former contributor to ReykjavikMag went on television show Ísland í bítið this morning to criticise how Icelanders tend to blame Lithuanians for Icelandic drug problems. Nikolov, who is founding a new political party in Iceland for immigrants, said on the show that " it's prejudice and escapism to blame people from one nation for a social problem such as drugs. Lithuanians have been repeatedly arrested in connection with cases of drug import and manufacturing of drugs in Iceland recentlly. Nikolov also pointed out that most drugs are smuggled to Iceland by sea, and that Icelanders are forgetting to put more effort into customs control of boats.
News News in English Mest lesið Sakleysi dætranna hafi gufað upp Innlent Sindri grunaður um fjárdrátt Innlent Trump ætlar að skattleggja Pútín svo hann hætti stríðsrekstri í Úkraínu Erlent Ærandi þögn og klukkan tifar Innlent Biskup og prestar lýsa yfir stuðningi við Budde og boðskap hennar Innlent Leyfið heyrir sögunni til Innlent Þórdís Kolbrún gefur ekki kost á sér Innlent Glansmyndir á samfélagsmiðlum valdi mikilli streitu Innlent „Þau eru bara fyrir“ Innlent Fleiri Kimdátar væntanlegir í Kúrsk: „Það er bara áfram og áfram“ Erlent