Fordham vann heimsmeistaramót BDO-samtakanna 2004 þegar hann sigraði Mervyn King í úrslitaleiknum, 6-3. Þar áður hafði hann tapað fjórum sinnum í röð í undanúrslitum mótsins.
Víkingurinn, eins og Fordham var jafnan kallaður, glímdi lengi við heilsubrest, meðal annars vegna alkahólisma. Hann viðurkenndi að hafa keppt undir áhrifum og þurfti að hætta keppni á HM 2007 vegna öndunarerfiðleika.
Fordham þurfti að gangast undir bráðaaðgerð á ristli í fyrra og í ársbyrjun greindist hann með kórónuveiruna.
„Hræðilegt að heyra skelfilegu fréttirnar af Andy, stór maður með stórt hjarta. Hugsanir mínar eru með Jenny [ekkju Andys] og fjölskyldunni í kvöld,“ skrifaði þrefaldi heimsmeistarinn Michael Van Gerwen á Twitter.
Horrible to hear the awful news about Andy, a big man with big heart. My thoughts with Jenny and family tonight
— Michael Van Gerwen (@MvG180) July 15, 2021
Fleiri þekktir pílukastarar minntust Fordhams á Twitter eins og sjá má hér fyrir neðan.
God bless my friend Andy Fordham. What a pleasure it was been your friend and spending time with you. Thoughts are with his family. Cheers Hamlet
— James Wade (@JamesWade180) July 15, 2021
Sad to hear the passing of a legend Andy Fordham our thoughts are with his family
— Adrian Lewis (@jackpot180) July 15, 2021
Absolutely devastated to hear of the passing of this Legend, it was an absolute pleasure to have worked and shared a stage with a true gent. Will be such a miss to all involved with darts. RIP Andy Fordham
— Chris Dobey (@Dobey10) July 15, 2021
Such sad news that Andy Fordham has died. A true legend and gentleman of the sport.
— Rob Cross (@RobCross180) July 15, 2021
My thoughts are with his family and friends.
RIP Andy Fordham #Legend
— Glen Durrant (@Duzza180) July 15, 2021
So very saddened to hear of the passing away of Andy Fordham.
— Stevebeaton (@Stevebeaton180) July 15, 2021
Not only a great friend but a sporting legend who I had the pleasure of knowing for many a year.
Our thoughts are with Jenny and the family. RIP my friend