West birti í dag mynd af sér á Twitter-reikningi sínum þar sem hann hafði sett upp derhúfu með kosningaslagorði Trumps, „Make America Great Again“ eða „Gerum Bandaríkin stórkostleg á ný“ upp á íslensku. West hefur sett derhúfuna upp við önnur tilefni, nú síðast á sviði þáttarins Saturday Night Live líkt og greint var frá á Vísi í dag. Það er þó ekki aðeins derhúfan sem vakið hefur hneykslan netverja heldur einnig textinn sem West lét fylgja myndinni.
„Við munum útvega öllum sem losna úr fangelsi störf um leið og við afnemum þrettándu grein stjórnarskrárinnar,“ skrifaði West meðal annars. Þótti mörgum nóg um þar eð þrælahald var afnumið með þrettándu greininni.
this represents good and America becoming whole again. We will no longer outsource to other countries. We build factories here in America and create jobs. We will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love pic.twitter.com/a15WqI8zgu
— ye (@kanyewest) September 30, 2018
the 13th Amendment is slavery in disguise meaning it never ended We are the solution that heals
— ye (@kanyewest) September 30, 2018
not abolish but. let's amend the 13th amendment
— ye (@kanyewest) September 30, 2018
We apply everyone's opinions to our platform
There's nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn't know history, doesn't read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I've encountered lately isn't just frustrating, it's retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying. https://t.co/4jCFwB4T5U
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) September 30, 2018
People... he's not a misunderstood genius or telling “his truth.” He is an idiot who refuses to learn, read or grow. Which is why he has so much in common with @reaIDonaldTrunp. Words have consequences. And he is spreading misinformation & normalizing hate #learnfromhistory
— Ted Sullivan (@karterhol) September 30, 2018
Idiocy is the willingness to sell out your culture for trinkets. @kanyewest doesn't understand reality. The same hat he is wearing is responsible for Jeff Sessions and taking us back a decade in Criminal Justice reform. @kanyewest is a clown who wants to sale albums. I'm good. https://t.co/ZK6qcqf8Gr
— Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) September 30, 2018